With God’s help we shall do mighty things. Ps: 60: 12
I think every man and woman on earth want to do things that matters. At the end of the day, we relax better when we know our day had been useful and fruitful. We all want a little piece of the good act to be part of our life. So it is human nature to find a beautiful and great things out there, find its commonality and how we are related it to claim a piece of its goodness for ourselves.
Today God is promising us what we all want to do or be in our lives. Do mighty things and make an impact in this world we live in. But we are small people and we live in small places. We are happy with small things in life and live a pretty simple life. We don’t make world changing decisions everyday and we have little impact on world’s poverty and hunger eradication. How can we do mighty things with God’s help?
Do small things together with love. With God’s help “WE” shall do mighty things, and not alone. Thus we can claim a piece of that mighty things for ourselves for real, for God will be in the midst of two or more gathered in His name and God won’t sit idle when two or three are gathered. So, mighty things happen when God, you and me come together to make it possible.
© 2007: Rev. Jos Tharakan. Requires permission to reproduce. Email: fathersjos at gmail.com