Holy Week and Easter are around of the corner. If I can compare these days to anything other than the days of suffering, death and resurrection of Christ I would say these are the most blessed days whereby one is invited to re-live the experience of Moses at the burning bush.
Know this that God is hiding behind every person you meet and every bush you see, every living creature on earth and everything that is here below. In a special way God assures us through this season that God knows exactly what human life is all about and what we all go through as we live our lives. Pain, sickness, suffering and death may seem all consuming and scary, but after all these are vehicles that takes us to the experience of The Burning Bush, where we encounter God. Ultimately it will never consume us to the effect of annihilating us. Rather all that we go through will purify us for the better and still come out at the end stammering with fears of one’s own inability but strengthened by the grace and power of God to face what awaits us in life.
Therefore in this Holy Week find the burning bush that is consuming you and know God is hiding behind it. Do not be afraid, for God is calling you to be burned by His love without being consumed by it.
© 2007: Rev. Jos Tharakan. Requires permission to reproduce. Email: fathersjos at gmail.com