Bishop Jos Tharakan

Episcopal Daily

I publish an online newspaper called, “Episcopal Daily” ( with news, photos, videos and other information aggregated from twitter feeds posted by Episcopalians from across the world. They include notes and posts from bishops, dioceses, priests, deacons, lay members of the Episcopal Church. They are carefully chosen to represent a wide of range of interests among Episcopalians. Publishing this on a daily basis is no endorsement of the views expressed in these writings, twitter feeds or the information they share. What each individual Episcopalian has posted as beneficial to themselves or others might be a pit stop for someone else to find our beautiful church. This is a simple attempt to make our voices heard in one place on a given day. Someone can type Episcopal Daily, and there comes all sorts of news from Episcopalians from all over. I pray you will enjoy these posts and news from your fellow brother and sister of the Episcopal Community of believers.

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