Today is Sunday. Most of us slept in a little bit. Well. Not a whole lot, but a little more than usual mornings. We were up and ready though by 9 for the Magnificent Holy Eucharist at 9.30. Most of the Bishops concelebrated at the Holy Eucharist and the hall was packed.
At the Service Presiding Bishop invited the gathered to become prophets in the modern world. She reminded us that prophets are among us. They are not the fire spitting ones who are ready to warn the damnation of the world. They are among us and they proclaim the favor of the Lord. They are among us causing changes to a world that is ravaged by all kinds of brokenness. She also told the church that a prophet is someone who speaks of "what is and what ought to be". It is a hard call but a worthy one.
Words matter profoundly. Prophets speak and act for God, and therefore it is not easy. They come in many forms amongst us. She counted the Episcopal Church Women as one group of prophets who live and love the world among us calling us to greater accountability. She also called us to recognize the Sacramental character of a blessing.
The five marks of mission are the work and mark of prophets, she reminded us. And we are to be counted among such and therefore our responsibility is higher and deeper. Here is the call to everyone of us, “listen up – here’s the deal, God’s got a better world in mind, and you are needed to help make it happen.”
Read the full version of her sermon here.