This morning Bishop Schori presided over the Holy Eucharist along with our communion partners from the ELCA and Moravians. We were also blessed by visitors, friends and friends from across the world present at the Holy Table. Welcoming all to the table of God Bishop Schori continued her reflections on reconciliation reflecting on three saints from among us. “Together they did the hard work of theology, journalism, and advocacy for a more humane and more divine society on earth”.
Presiding Bishop invited all who were at the Holy Eucharist to consider the common good at every moment of our life together and individually. She invited us to celebrate Christian life modeled after the three saints, Walter Rauschenbusch, Washington Gladden, and Jacob Riis.
She ended her reflections challenging us whether our faith is lively enough to do the work that calls for the reign of God in all realms creating abundant life?
Read the complete sermon here.