There is a time for everything. Ecclesiasticus reminds us of that over and over. There is a time to plant, a time to gather, a time for waking and sleeping and more. I have come to realize it is important for us to recognize this if we want a semi-normal life….yes, I said semi-normal as we are all only “normal” part of the time.
Recognizing this natural order to life is very important. There is a natural order to the seasons of the year. We know when the fall starts and ends. We know what winter looks like and what to do when it arrives. We know spring is here and when it’s time to enjoy nature, time to clean up our space and time to plant new life. Anticipating the natural order of life is stress reducing and relaxing.
The natural order of things is what I call anchor points in life. Regardless of what we do, anchor points will and must come and go. If we can be aware of them and attune ourselves to these natural order points of life, maybe we might relax a bit. Sunday worship is a natural resting point. A daily prayer rituals a natural anchor point at home. Try to create them or fall into them. Bring down the gravity of stress by tapping into the natural order of spiritual practices.
Put a rhythm to your daily life. Make a schedule and rule of life so that your life can be relaxing and enjoyable. I invite you to create a rhythm of spiritual practices. I promise you – it will give you peace beyond your imagination. Because in the end, true discipleship can only be created by developing solid anchor points throughout your day, (your week, your life.)