Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart. Jeremiah 1: 5
Each one of us is born in this world with a purpose. Until the day we find that purpose we will be restless or rather we will be without focus in life.
Here God assures us of the careful planning and preparation he did before he formed us. God also knew what we are made of and what we are capable of. At the same time God could see what we will go through and the struggles of life that will trouble us. None of us are left alone although sometimes it might feel that way and makes us think what are we here for?
So today in the midst of all what goes through in life – at work, at home, at play – no matter where, let us remind ourselves of one thing that God did know us before we were formed. God did still believe we can go through what we may be going through. It means in the midst of all good and bad we go through, the purpose of God for us is hidden that we may stumble upon it, if we can be open to the idea God has a purpose for us and God has set us apart to fulfill it.
Let us be open to stumbling upon God’s purpose in our lives.