Christ emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. Philippians 2: 7
Every time I read this Scripture I think, is it possible for me to empty myself and let go of the smallest control I have on things, people and myself in this world? I dread it and then I quickly move on to the next line, which is not an easy one either.
As much as it is a scary thought for me to go through this process of emptying myself, it is also a joyful Verse that gives me such hope. For I am no more afraid of a God who will not understand me and comfort me. I am consoled knowing that Christ was human, just like me in all things, thankfully not in sin. Then I realized it is easy for me to empty myself if only I can acknowledge my humanness, just like Jesus did. If only I can understand the things of the world I am enslaved to. It is only when one does not realize one is human, simple creature who is empowered only by God’s grace, it gets hard to empty oneself of all the pride and vain glory he / she carries in his or her small brain.
Yes, recognizing we are humans makes us recognize the Divine that made us human. Recognizing the Divine helps us give up the control to the one who created us humans. This opens the door for emptying ourselves easily as God takes control of our lives. Try it today. Recognize and thank God for your being human and simply a human with a span of life that is not even a spec of eternity, but greatly loved, cherished and cared for by God. If your strength comes from God who empowered you, be joyful, you are closer to recognizing your divine origins.
Fr. Jos