“Lord who shall we go to? You have the message of eternal life.” John: 6:68
Peter with all his fallen-ness realized he has reached the end of his rope. He admitted to Jesus, “yes, there is nowhere to go anymore. I have come to realize you are the Messiah I had been waiting for. In the midst of slavery for my people and myself, I finally have come to realize the salvation and freedom is You and in You O Lord and it is right here and now”.
Various things in life makes a person get to that final point of home coming where one returns to God admitting all along God was walking with him or her. All of us go through these few “could be cherished” moments in life, without realizing and admitting that Christ could have been the center, and solace in our life. But be hopeful as we are not new to this sort of blindness to the presence of the Lord in our daily life as Peter and the Apostles themselves went through the same experience living with Christ day in and out. So, we all have hope and that it is promising us a happier and anxiety free life.
Search for that moment in your life today when all else around you were not great rather scary but you were left with a peace within that you didn’t know where it came from but felt assured all will be well. When you find it, pin it to a date, call it a name and return to it when you are in need of assurance of presence of God. That will be the start of a multitude of events where God was not just present but rather active in your life and will be so forever.
© 2007: Rev. Jos Tharakan. Requires permission to reproduce. Email: fathersjos at gmail.com