Lowly in heart
If we are lowly in hearts, God will hear our prayer and make us strong. If we are proud in our hearts, we shall dig our own pit of destruction.
If we are lowly in hearts, God will hear our prayer and make us strong. If we are proud in our hearts, we shall dig our own pit of destruction.
Sometimes the best prayer is just a deep sigh with the awareness of God within us. We have lots of reasons for a sigh. Why not think of God.
Lord bless the world with patience. Bless me with awareness. Bless us all with Presence that will want us to enjoy the moment and each other.
My capacity to love is greater than hate. Help me let loose the string of fear. Lord Let me nurture peace within.I want to love for real
You are blessed in the eyes of God. Because you are precious. Give me grace Lord to make someone precious in my heart and mind today. (c) Jos Tharakan
Bless our kids and teachers. They all worked hard and played hard today. Lord bless them all for another great day tomorrow. Amen