Category: <span>Advent</span>

Two hours late, still not ready

Margaret was all ready for her date. She was wearing her best outfit, her hair was fixed, her makeup was perfect. Imagine her disappointment when her date didn’t show up! After an hour of waiting, Margaret decided that he wasn’t going to come. She changed into her pajamas, washed off …

Advent Sunday IV

God looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant Mary. I have always enjoyed working with people who are humble. It is so nice to be around those who can talk simple and do not need an interpreter. When people’s head is filled with light their hearts are filled …

Advent Sunday III

Today the prophet is calling everyone who is listening to bear the fruits of repentence and change your life. How would do it in a simple way? Remember this: Do a little thing today that will make you proud tomorrow, and of course don’t do anything to make your decendants …

Advent Sunday II

Sometimes I wonder why was the prophet crying in the wilderness! Where was the wilderness? And what was the wilderness like. Then I realized that sometimes our hearts are so dried up we thirst for some refreshing, renewed food and water to enliven us. It is so crooked with pain …

Advent Sunday I

We live in a professional world today. We are able to predict weather, future, life and even sometimes about heaven and all that is going on up there. Our professionalism has taken us so far that sometime we dare to tell the Lord what is to happen in the future …