Category: <span>Spiritual Reflections</span>

History & Facts to Mystery & Myths: How to love in a church

“On this campus there is to be absolutely no physical contact of any kind between male and female students. There is only one legitimate exception to this rule. If a male student happens to see a female student about to fall to the ground, it is permissible to touch her …

Two hours late, still not ready

Margaret was all ready for her date. She was wearing her best outfit, her hair was fixed, her makeup was perfect. Imagine her disappointment when her date didn’t show up! After an hour of waiting, Margaret decided that he wasn’t going to come. She changed into her pajamas, washed off …

Hit the road Jack! Fire of Love and Water of Kindness!

Mark was three years old when his pet lizard died. it was her grandson’s first experience of death. Grandma suggested that Mark and an older boy in the family hold a “funeral” for the lizard. Grandma explained what a funeral was: a ceremony where you say a prayer, sing a …

Servant Leadership

Chānakya was a professor at Thakshashila University in 4th century BC, and later (c. 350–283 BCE) an adviser and prime minister of Maurya Emperor Chandragupta (C 340-293 BCE). His political treatises are called Arthashastra, The Science that gives meaning.  In one of his writings he talks about the qualities of a true …